Phone: 203-574-5668
LOCAL 1339

Use the forms below to regain access to your account. If you do not have an email address or cell phone listed in the system you will need to contact us.

Direct Access Login

Select Verification Method:
Enter Your Account Cell Phone:
Remember this Device

Login to your account with secure 2FA authentication. An access pin will be sent to your account. No username or password required.
Don't have an account? Register for Member Access


Send Username
Enter the email address for your account.

Your username will be sent to the email address listed in your account settings.

Reset Your Password
Enter the username or email address for your account:

A password reset link will be sent to the email address listed in your account settings.

Contact Info
Waterbury Fire Fighters Association
1551 Thomaston Ave
Waterbury, CT 06704

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